Resting Your Mind in Your Body: Connecting to Your Inner Wisdom
Ellen O Carroll Ellen O Carroll

Resting Your Mind in Your Body: Connecting to Your Inner Wisdom

In the world we live in—fast-paced, noisy, and full of distractions—it’s easy to lose touch with ourselves. Our environments demand constant attention: emails ping, notifications buzz, deadlines loom, and personal responsibilities pile up. Amid this chaos, our minds are pulled in countless directions, leaving little room to pause, reflect, and reconnect with what truly matters.

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The Art of Habit Stacking: Building a Better Routine Without Overwhelm
Ellen O Carroll Ellen O Carroll

The Art of Habit Stacking: Building a Better Routine Without Overwhelm

In yesterday’s blog, we touched on the concept of habit stacking—a practical way to introduce new habits into your routine without sacrificing precious resources like time, money, or energy. Today, let’s dive deeper into how habit stacking works, its benefits and challenges, and how it can be applied both at work and in your personal life.

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Restarting the Engine: Easing Into the New Year
Ellen O Carroll Ellen O Carroll

Restarting the Engine: Easing Into the New Year

As the calendar flips to January, there’s a collective push to dive headfirst into the year, setting goals, chasing ambitions, and getting back into full productivity mode. But for many of us, this time of year feels less like a fresh start and more like trying to restart an engine that’s been in hibernation.

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Getting Sidetracked: Why It’s Okay and How to Thrive Despite It
Ellen O Carroll Ellen O Carroll

Getting Sidetracked: Why It’s Okay and How to Thrive Despite It

It’s that time of year again—the holiday season is in full swing, deadlines are looming, and the pace of life seems faster than ever. Yet, despite your best efforts to stay on track, something always comes up. A last-minute request, an unexpected distraction, or even your own need for a moment to breathe can throw your carefully planned schedule off course.

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Web Summit: Where Our Journey Began
Ellen O Carroll Ellen O Carroll

Web Summit: Where Our Journey Began

Attending Web Summit is more than just an event—it’s an experience that ignites ideas, fosters connections, and solidifies dreams. Last year, amidst the energy of thousands of innovators, entrepreneurs, and thinkers, the idea for our business was born.

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How Teams Can Succeed Without All the Official Roles?
Ellen O Carroll Ellen O Carroll

How Teams Can Succeed Without All the Official Roles?

For many teams, especially those in the early stages of adopting Agile or working with limited resources, having a dedicated Scrum Master, Product Owner, or even a full development team isn’t always feasible. However, the core principles of Agile—flexibility, collaboration, and continuous improvement—can still be harnessed to drive innovation.

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Sprint Cycles: Communication Cycles, Not Just Outcome Cycles
Ellen O Carroll Ellen O Carroll

Sprint Cycles: Communication Cycles, Not Just Outcome Cycles

When teams think of Agile Sprints, the focus often falls on outcomes—the deliverables at the end of the cycle. But in reality, Sprints are far more than outcome-driven phases; they are structured communication cycles that foster collaboration and alignment.

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Scrum vs. Agile: Debunking the Myths and Embracing Continuous Improvement
Ellen O Carroll Ellen O Carroll

Scrum vs. Agile: Debunking the Myths and Embracing Continuous Improvement

In the world of software development and project management, the terms “Agile” and “Scrum” are often used interchangeably, leading to confusion about their meanings, benefits, and challenges. Adding to this mix is Kanban, sometimes viewed as an easy alternative for teams wanting to avoid the rigors of Scrum. The reality, however, is that Agile and Scrum are distinct frameworks, and Kanban isn’t a shortcut to success, but a valuable tool for continuous improvement.

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Continuous Improvement in Large Corporations: A World Apart from SMEs and Startups
Ellen O Carroll Ellen O Carroll

Continuous Improvement in Large Corporations: A World Apart from SMEs and Startups

In large corporations, continuous improvement is a formalized, often bureaucratic process. It contrasts sharply with the more agile, experimental nature of CI in startups and the hands-on, evolving approach seen in SMEs. For business owners considering the introduction of CI into their companies, it’s essential to recognize that size and structure deeply affect how improvement strategies are implemented.

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Adopting Continuous Improvement: Startups vs. SMEs
Ellen O Carroll Ellen O Carroll

Adopting Continuous Improvement: Startups vs. SMEs

Continuous Improvement (CI) is a powerful tool for enhancing efficiency, boosting productivity, and fostering innovation within any organization. However, the way it is adopted and implemented can vary significantly depending on the size and structure of the organization

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Mentorship: Removing the Veil of Ignorance for Lifelong Change
Ellen O Carroll Ellen O Carroll

Mentorship: Removing the Veil of Ignorance for Lifelong Change

In many spiritual traditions, particularly in yoga philosophy, the guru is seen as the remover of the veil. This veil symbolizes ignorance—our lack of understanding about the true nature of the world and ourselves. Yogis believe that the guru’s role is to guide, teach, and help individuals shed the illusion of ignorance, revealing deeper truths that were previously hidden.

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Why Overworking Doesn’t Lead to Getting More Done
Ellen O Carroll Ellen O Carroll

Why Overworking Doesn’t Lead to Getting More Done

In today’s fast-paced world, many professionals feel the pressure to work long hours, weekends, and even through breaks. The idea is simple: the more time you dedicate to work, the more you’ll accomplish, right? But the reality couldn’t be further from the truth.

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